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Ion radiation albedo effect: influence of surface roughness on ion implantation and sputtering of materials
Li, Yonggang1,2,5; Yang, Yang2; Short, Michael P.2; Ding, Zejun3,4; Zeng, Zhi1,5; Li, Ju2,6
摘要In fusion devices, ion retention and sputtering of materials are major concerns in the selection of compatible plasma-facing materials (PFMs), especially in the context of their microstructural conditions and surface morphologies. We demonstrate how surface roughness changes ion implantation and sputtering of materials under energetic ion irradiation. Using a new, sophisticated 3D Monte Carlo (MC) code, IM3D, and a random rough surface model, ion implantation and the sputtering yields of tungsten (W) with a surface roughness varying between 0-2 mu m have been studied for irradiation by 0.1-1 keV D+, He+ and Ar+ ions. It is found that both ion backscattering and sputtering yields decrease with increasing roughness; this is hereafter called the ion radiation albedo effect. This effect is mainly dominated by the direct, line-of-sight deposition of a fraction of emitted atoms onto neighboring asperities. Backscattering and sputtering increase with more oblique irradiation angles. We propose a simple analytical formula to relate rough-surface and smooth-surface results.
关键词Ion radiatIon Albedo Effect Surface Roughness Ion implantatIon And Sputtering Plasma-facing Materials Monte Carlo
WOS标题词Science & Technology ; Physical Sciences
项目资助者National Natural Science Foundation of China(11275229 ; National Natural Science Foundation of China(11275229 ; National Natural Science Foundation of China(11275229 ; National Natural Science Foundation of China(11275229 ; National Natural Science Foundation of China(11275229 ; National Natural Science Foundation of China(11275229 ; National Natural Science Foundation of China(11275229 ; National Natural Science Foundation of China(11275229 ; key project of the National Science Foundation of China(11534012) ; key project of the National Science Foundation of China(11534012) ; key project of the National Science Foundation of China(11534012) ; key project of the National Science Foundation of China(11534012) ; key project of the National Science Foundation of China(11534012) ; key project of the National Science Foundation of China(11534012) ; key project of the National Science Foundation of China(11534012) ; key project of the National Science Foundation of China(11534012) ; Special Funds for the Major State Basic Research Project of China (973)(2012CB933702) ; Special Funds for the Major State Basic Research Project of China (973)(2012CB933702) ; Special Funds for the Major State Basic Research Project of China (973)(2012CB933702) ; Special Funds for the Major State Basic Research Project of China (973)(2012CB933702) ; Special Funds for the Major State Basic Research Project of China (973)(2012CB933702) ; Special Funds for the Major State Basic Research Project of China (973)(2012CB933702) ; Special Funds for the Major State Basic Research Project of China (973)(2012CB933702) ; Special Funds for the Major State Basic Research Project of China (973)(2012CB933702) ; Youth Innovation Promotion Association of CAS(2016386) ; Youth Innovation Promotion Association of CAS(2016386) ; Youth Innovation Promotion Association of CAS(2016386) ; Youth Innovation Promotion Association of CAS(2016386) ; Youth Innovation Promotion Association of CAS(2016386) ; Youth Innovation Promotion Association of CAS(2016386) ; Youth Innovation Promotion Association of CAS(2016386) ; Youth Innovation Promotion Association of CAS(2016386) ; CASHIPS ; CASHIPS ; CASHIPS ; CASHIPS ; CASHIPS ; CASHIPS ; CASHIPS ; CASHIPS ; NSF(DMR-1410636 ; NSF(DMR-1410636 ; NSF(DMR-1410636 ; NSF(DMR-1410636 ; NSF(DMR-1410636 ; NSF(DMR-1410636 ; NSF(DMR-1410636 ; NSF(DMR-1410636 ; U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)(NRC-HQ-84-15-G-0045) ; U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)(NRC-HQ-84-15-G-0045) ; U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)(NRC-HQ-84-15-G-0045) ; U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)(NRC-HQ-84-15-G-0045) ; U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)(NRC-HQ-84-15-G-0045) ; U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)(NRC-HQ-84-15-G-0045) ; U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)(NRC-HQ-84-15-G-0045) ; U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)(NRC-HQ-84-15-G-0045) ; Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE)(TG-DMR130038) ; Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE)(TG-DMR130038) ; Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE)(TG-DMR130038) ; Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE)(TG-DMR130038) ; Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE)(TG-DMR130038) ; Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE)(TG-DMR130038) ; Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE)(TG-DMR130038) ; Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE)(TG-DMR130038) ; Ministry of Education of China(20123402110034) ; Ministry of Education of China(20123402110034) ; Ministry of Education of China(20123402110034) ; Ministry of Education of China(20123402110034) ; Ministry of Education of China(20123402110034) ; Ministry of Education of China(20123402110034) ; Ministry of Education of China(20123402110034) ; Ministry of Education of China(20123402110034) ; '111' project(B07033) ; '111' project(B07033) ; '111' project(B07033) ; '111' project(B07033) ; '111' project(B07033) ; '111' project(B07033) ; '111' project(B07033) ; '111' project(B07033) ; 11475215 ; 11475215 ; 11475215 ; 11475215 ; 11475215 ; 11475215 ; 11475215 ; 11475215 ; DMR-1120901) ; DMR-1120901) ; DMR-1120901) ; DMR-1120901) ; DMR-1120901) ; DMR-1120901) ; DMR-1120901) ; DMR-1120901) ; NSAF U1230202 ; NSAF U1230202 ; NSAF U1230202 ; NSAF U1230202 ; NSAF U1230202 ; NSAF U1230202 ; NSAF U1230202 ; NSAF U1230202 ; 11274288 ; 11274288 ; 11274288 ; 11274288 ; 11274288 ; 11274288 ; 11274288 ; 11274288 ; 11574289) ; 11574289) ; 11574289) ; 11574289) ; 11574289) ; 11574289) ; 11574289) ; 11574289)
WOS类目Physics, Fluids & Plasmas
作者单位1.Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Solid State Phys, Key Lab Mat Phys, Hefei 230031, Peoples R China
2.MIT, Dept Nucl Sci & Engn, 77 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139 USA
3.Univ Sci & Technol China, Hefei Natl Lab Phys Sci Microscale, Hefei 230026, Peoples R China
4.Univ Sci & Technol China, Dept Phys, Hefei 230026, Peoples R China
5.Univ Sci & Technol China, Hefei 230026, Peoples R China
6.MIT, Dept Mat Sci & Engn, Cambridge, MA 02139 USA
GB/T 7714
Li, Yonggang,Yang, Yang,Short, Michael P.,et al. Ion radiation albedo effect: influence of surface roughness on ion implantation and sputtering of materials[J]. NUCLEAR FUSION,2017,57(1):1-12.
APA Li, Yonggang,Yang, Yang,Short, Michael P.,Ding, Zejun,Zeng, Zhi,&Li, Ju.(2017).Ion radiation albedo effect: influence of surface roughness on ion implantation and sputtering of materials.NUCLEAR FUSION,57(1),1-12.
MLA Li, Yonggang,et al."Ion radiation albedo effect: influence of surface roughness on ion implantation and sputtering of materials".NUCLEAR FUSION 57.1(2017):1-12.
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