当前检索式 ((ALL:Cai, Dongqing))
限定条件 ((专题:技术生物与农业工程研究所))
National Natural Sci 15 KFJ-EW-STS-067) 9 Key Program of Chine 9
Grant of the Preside 7 Youth Innovation Pro 7 President Foundation 6
Chinese Academy of S 5 National Natural Sci 5 Science and Technolo 5
Youth Innovation Pro 5 KFJ-EW-STS-083 4 Science and Technolo 4
Science and Technolo 4 KFJ-SW-STS-143) 3 Key Program of the C 3
Environmental Protec 2 KFJ-STS-ZDTP-002 2 Key Program of Chine 2
National Key Foundat 2 National Natural Sci 2